Annual Meeting
Hello, dear members!
You are invited to attend our first Annual Meeting on Thursday, the 13th of June, at 19:30 at Folkuniversitetet. As a humanist association dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and ethical living, we are excited to come together and discuss the future initiatives and interests of our small yet energetic community.
This gathering marks a significant milestone since our founding last year. It will be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our progress, share ideas, and plan for the future. Your participation and input are invaluable as we continue to build this dream.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Warm regards,
Adrian & Alex

Exploring the History of Religion: The Birth of Christianity
In our final lecture, witness the emergence of Christianity against the backdrop of the Roman world. Explore the life and teachings of Jesus - both the man and the idea he represented. We will analyse his teachings through the lens of ancient Greek philosophy and put his miracles to the test using our current scientific knowledge.
Embark on an intellectual journey that traverses the evolution of religious thought, unravelling the tapestry of belief systems from the ancient times of Zoroaster to the birth of Christianity.
Join us for a thought-provoking series of five lectures that explore the profound shifts in human understanding from Mythos to Logos, and the transformative milestones in the history of the Abrahamic religions. We will examine the evolution of ancient religion critically with the help of reason and science, as well as poetry.
The lectures follow each other but can be attended separetely.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

Exploring the History of Religion: Deconstructing Judaism
Unpack the layers of Judaism's historical evolution, from its ancient roots to the time of Jesus of Nazareth. Examine the diverse traditions, interpretations, and theological developments that contributed to the complex mosaic of Jewish beliefs and practices. In this lecture, we will focus on the link between the Babylonian and the Jewish beliefs.
Embark on an intellectual journey that traverses the evolution of religious thought, unravelling the tapestry of belief systems from the ancient times of Zoroaster to the birth of Christianity.
Join us for a thought-provoking series of five lectures that explore the profound shifts in human understanding from Mythos to Logos, and the transformative milestones in the history of the Abrahamic religions. We will examine the evolution of ancient religion critically with the help of reason and science, as well as poetry.
The lectures follow each other but can be attended separetely.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

Exploring the History of Religion: Three Books of Wisdom
How should one live, according to the Old Testament? Delve into the wisdom of Biblical literature of the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job, each offering unique perspectives on life, morality, and the human condition. Explore the poetic and philosophical richness of these ancient texts, revealing timeless insights that continue to resonate across cultures. In this lecture, we will also psychoanalyse the god of the Old Testament.
Embark on an intellectual journey that traverses the evolution of religious thought, unravelling the tapestry of belief systems from the ancient times of Zoroaster to the birth of Christianity.
Join us for a thought-provoking series of five lectures that explore the profound shifts in human understanding from Mythos to Logos, and the transformative milestones in the history of the Abrahamic religions. We will examine the evolution of ancient religion critically with the help of reason and science, as well as poetry.
The lectures follow each other but can be attended separetely.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

Exploring the History of Religion: The Zoroastrian Religion
Uncover the mysteries of Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions. Explore the dualistic concepts of Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, the cosmic struggle between good and evil, the profound Zoroastrian eschatology and the enduring influence of Zoroastrianism on subsequent belief systems. The connections between Zoroastrianism and Judaism will be surprising and revelatory.
Embark on an intellectual journey that traverses the evolution of religious thought, unravelling the tapestry of belief systems from the ancient times of Zoroaster to the birth of Christianity.
Join us for a thought-provoking series of five lectures that explore the profound shifts in human understanding from Mythos to Logos, and the transformative milestones in the history of the Abrahamic religions. We will examine the evolution of ancient religion critically with the help of reason and science, as well as poetry.
The lectures follow each other but can be attended separetely.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

Exploring the History of Religion: From Mythos to Logos
Dive into the transition from mythical narratives to rational discourse, examining how ancient cultures embraced the ordering principle of the universe, the Logos. One of the fundamental questions that religion tried to answer was “How should one live?”. We will theorise how the Logos handed out its moral code to us.
Embark on an intellectual journey that traverses the evolution of religious thought, unravelling the tapestry of belief systems from the ancient times of Zoroaster to the birth of Christianity.
Join us for a thought-provoking series of five lectures that explore the profound shifts in human understanding from Mythos to Logos, and the transformative milestones in the history of the Abrahamic religions. We will examine the evolution of ancient religion critically with the help of reason and science, as well as poetry.
The lectures follow each other but can be attended separetely.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

The Cosmic Odyssey: From Myth to Science
Join us for an enthralling lecture that bridges the realms of myth and science.
In this lecture, we will trace the evolution of human understanding about the cosmos using the same ingenuity with which we described the mythological stories of creation.
Delve into the brilliant minds that propelled us from ancient mythologies to the forefront of modern cosmology, from the measurements of the Earth's radius by Erathostenes, to Kepler's planetary laws, to the expanding universe of Edwin Hubble and Eintein's field equations.
All ages and all knowledge levels are welcome to attend!
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

The Book of Genesis
In our final lecture, we will bring together the threads of three distinct cosmogonies—the Norse, Babylonian, and Judeo-Christian traditions. As we delve into the Book of Genesis, we will draw intriguing parallelisms between these ancient narratives. Is the Logos the absolute word of God? Or did God take inspiration from other stories of creation?
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

The Book of Genesis
In our final lecture, we will bring together the threads of three distinct cosmogonies—the Norse, Babylonian, and Judeo-Christian traditions. As we delve into the Book of Genesis, we will draw intriguing parallelisms between these ancient narratives. Is the Logos the absolute word of God? Or did God take inspiration from other stories of creation?
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

The Babylonian Creation Myths
Step into the ancient city of Babylon, where gods battle for supremacy amidst the swirling waters of chaos. Explore the mythic narrative of Marduk, the champion of the gods, as he crafts the world from the remnants of Tiamat, the primordial sea serpent. We follow the enigmatic verses of the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation epic, and uncover its enduring influence on later cultures and civilizations.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

The Norse Creation Myths
We will delve into the enchanting realm of Norse mythology as we uncover the vivid tales of creation, where gods and giants, ice and fire, collide to form the cosmos. We will discover the awe-inspiring Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and the profound wisdom hidden in the Prose and the Poetic Eddas. Not only will the Norse myths describe our cosmogony, but also how the world will eventually end.
These lectures are part of The Poetic Reason Series, a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.
Click the image to follow the link to the lecture at Folkuniversitetet:

Lecture: The Greek Creation Myths
In the vast tapestry of Greek mythology, the story of creation stands as a cornerstone, weaving together the endless battle of harmonious Cosmos versus the swirling mists of Chaos, divine genealogy and the creation of humanity. In this lecture, the second in The Poetic Reason Series, we will investigate the symbolism behind these ancient narratives and their profound insights into the human condition and relate them to some of history’s most influential artworks.
The Poetic Reason Series is a series of lectures based on “The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine” (Azara, 2021), an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart.

Lecture: The Sacred and the Profane
As humans, we question, reason, love, and, inevitably, seek meaning. Given the singularity of our existence in the vast Cosmos, it makes a lot of sense to ask ourselves: do our lives have a purpose? In order to answer this question, humanity came up with the idea of God.
The Poetic Reason: Or Enquiry into the Divine (Azara, 2021) is an investigation into divinity as seen through the lenses of history, philosophy and science - but also the heart. Our chairman, Adrian Azara, will take us on a journey to uncover “The Divine” throughout human history through a series of lectures entitled “The Poetic Reason Series”, based on the eponymous book.
In this first lecture, titled “The Sacred and the Profane”, we will try to understand the birth of “The Divine” by investigating how our ancestors tried to answer fundamental questions such as: why does the sun rise? How did the world start? These questions will serve as the basis for the inception of mythology.
Join us at Folkuniversitetet on August 17th at 6:30 pm, Room 521.

Studiecirkel: Exploring the French Philosophers of the 20th Century
In this study circle, we will explore the most prominent French philosophers of the 20th century, with a specific focus on existentialism and postmodernism. Our goal will be to understand these thinkers' profound impact on contemporary thought and society by reading and discussing their most significant works.

Lecture: The Sacred and the Profane
In this first lecture of “The Poetic Reason Series”, titled “The Sacred and the Profane”, we will try to understand the birth of The Divine by investigating how our ancestors tried to answer fundamental questions such as: why does the sun rise? How did the world start?
These questions will serve as the basis for the inception of mythology.

Founding Meeting
What’s the purpose of Sapere Aude - Dare to Know?
Why the need for such a movement?
Join us in our founding meeting and first lecture on April 13th in a classroom in Folkuniversitetet! In this meeting, we will:
1- Draft a plan for the upcoming activities that will take place in our association.
2- Let us come up with a list of presenters and topics that can attract the general public’s interest. Science, philosophy, literature, and music. Are you motivated to let the world know what you are passionate about?
3- Lastly, the first lecture of our society will be held by our Chairman, Adrian Azara, on the topic of “The Value of Knowledge”, the core principle of our organisation. Are we happier the more we know? Wouldn’t we be happier being ignorant? Join the conversation.
Welcome, people of all ages and backgrounds! This is your home.
Välkommen! Bienvenida! Bienvenue! Benvenuto! Willkommen! ようこそ! Benvingut!
Upcoming events.
Here you can see all the upcoming events at our association.
The members of the association present on different topics, ranging from science to literature and art.
You present next!